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IberoSing International Workshop 2024: Low-dimensional Topology & Singularity Theory
25-29 November, 2024
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)


(Updated) detailed program & book of abstracts: here.




Course Lattice cohomology: then and now

by Tamás László (Babeş-Bolyai University).

Course Singularities of maps and regular homotopy

by Roberto Giménez Conejero (Mid Sweden University).


Contact loci in singularity theory

by Javier de la Bodega (BCAM-KU Leuven).

Strongly overtwisted contact 3-manifolds

by Eduardo Fernandez Fuertes (Univ. Georgia, USA)

Convex surface theory for Legendrian classification

by Viktória Földvári (Eötvös Loránd Univ.)

Introduction to the lattice cohomology of curve singularities

by Alexander Kubasch (Rényi Institute of Mathematics)

Lattice cohomology of curve singularities and beyond

by Gergő Schefler (Rényi Institute of Mathematics)

3-braid knots with maximal 4-genus

by Paula Truöl (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics)